
“When Conflict Comes Crashing In” Church 01.30.22

Like a bad winter storm, conflict can blow in when we least expect it. The Apostle Paul’s life was full of trouble as he was misunderstood by those inside and outside of the church and he was being held in a Roman prison. In his letter to the church at Philippi, he taught how we should respond to adversity and relationship problems. In Philippians 1:27 Paul says: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Come to Emmanuel this Sunday and be encouraged from Philippians 1;27-2:4 to honor Christ with the way you handle tough situations and people problems

We meet at 10:15am Sundays at 93 Midway Drive in Virginia, MN. We live-stream the worship hour but in-person is always better than video.